What is The 47th Floor? On the surface it is an internet dramatic series (webisode) created by Gary O. Bennett and produced by Alyssa Rallo Bennett and Stonestreet Studios, the acting conservatory I attended while studying at NYU-Tisch. But at its core it is a mystery: except for Gary (I hope!) no one knows what The 47th Floor actually is. It’s a regular conundrum; a mystery within a mystery.
It is a project I have been working on for almost a year. My character, Petra Jin, gets more enigmatic and resolute each time she appears on screen; every time I receive a new script I find more layers and more questions to answer. I’m not sure if I can ever be tired of “being Petra!” I suppose that’s a good thing, because Petra’s time on the show (unlike many others) is not over yet – in fact it’s just begun.
We have shot over 80 episodes thus far and over 40 of them are online for your viewing pleasure. Click here or use the link on the right side of the page to navigate to the site. This week’s episode, 47.43, is when Petra first appears. Keep watching the show though…Petra’s not going to stop until she finds what she’s looking for.